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October 2023

The acute shortage of affordable homes in a growing number of places across the country is a significant impediment to shared prosperity. Housing affordability is a concern for government and community leaders and must also be a priority for the private sector. A housing market that meets the needs of workers and families is a foundation for inclusive economic development, financial stability, 以及创造财富的机会.

Many private sector leaders understand the critical intersection between a talented workforce and the availability of quality, affordable, opportunity-connected housing. 工人们根据机会选择工作, location, length and mode of commute, 以及相对于生活成本的薪酬. Today, however, many workers struggle to find employment opportunities that enable them to meet their housing needs. In their 2023 Out of Reach report, the 全国低收入住房联盟 found that the cost of renting a one- or two-bedroom apartment exceeds median wages across the country, sometimes by a wide margin. The report also found that the shortage of affordable rental units disproportionately impacts women and Black and Hispanic workers.

虽然近年来我们在一些地方取得了进展,但阻力依然存在. Elevated inflation, 是什么导致了最近房价的飙升, 影响了个人的购买力吗. JPMorgan Chase Institute research shows declining real cash balances across all income levels and racial groups since the COVID-19 pandemic, 在2023年3月达到三年低点(小麦) & Deadman, 2023). Higher interest rates, 旨在控制物价上涨, further threaten the affordability of homes for purchase and curtail financing for new development.

鉴于这一挑战的规模和复杂性, we believe the private sector must partner with government and nonprofit organizations to design, implement, and scale collaborative, 住房生产不足的跨部门解决方案, affordability, and equity. Three actions stand out. First, firms should consider the full range of business practices and assets that can be leveraged for housing development and access. Second, business intelligence should inform housing policy design and drive attention and action. And finally, businesses should support community-led initiatives for improving housing options for working families. 

私营部门的业务规模和结构各不相同, workforce employed, 服务的客户和社区, 以及提供的产品和服务. 公司可以利用其独特的资产进行住房开发和获取. 作为一家大型金融机构, for example, 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)在2022年宣布了一项为期5年的计划, $30 billion commitment, 其中140亿美元用于资助100个博物馆的创建和保存,在服务不足的社区提供了000套多户出租住房. 我们已经超过了这个目标. At the end of 2022, our Commercial Term Lending Affordable Housing Preservation program provided $18 billion in lending to incentivize the preservation of 169,000 units, funded an incremental $3.80亿的建设和修复7,为中低收入家庭提供500套经济适用房, 增加1美元的低收入住房税收抵免(LIHTC)投资.18 billion.

其他组织会有不同的资源, expertise, and influence, 每一项都可以用来帮助增加获得住房的机会.S. workforce can better afford. 例如,医院可以帮助填补经济适用房的资金缺口. 符合社区卫生目标并根据员工需求量身定制, hospitals can donate land, 增加信用或提供直接贷款以降低融资成本, and contribute staff time or grant funds to support the capacity of community-based organizations working to develop accessible housing (Reynolds et al., 2019). JPMorgan Chase is working to help broaden the housing finance ecosystem by providing financing to health systems and other anchor institutions, mission-oriented impact funds, real estate investors, and private corporations to develop new housing with rents attainable to a broader income range than traditional affordable or market-rate housing.

工商界的专长和知识可以帮助制定政策并推动行动. For example, JPMorgan Chase PolicyCenter’s research on the manufactured housing ecosphere and insights from community partners informed our recommendation to modernize home manufacturing and implement policies that could elevate manufactured housing as a viable homeownership pathway (2023). Based on the firm’s experience financing affordable housing through successful public programs like LIHTC, JPMorgan Chase identified the need for expanded public funding and regulatory reform to increase the supply of high-quality, 可供购买和租赁的经济适用房. We support the proposal to create a new federal Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit to help homeowners renovate single-detached homes in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods and the removal of state and local barriers to affordable housing production in opportunity-connected communities, 包括限制性分区和土地使用政策(澳博官方网站app政策中心). 

Across the nation, community-led initiatives are working to improve housing availability for millions of working families. 通过与能够提供财政支持的企业合作, 借用员工的专业知识, 或者提升有希望和有影响力的项目和计划, 这些组织可以集中精力解决生产不足的住房问题, unavailability, and inequity. Testing and scaling a wide range of models that meet the needs of different communities will be important to make incremental but meaningful progress in combatting underproduction.

For example, our firm granted funds to Genesis LA and other community partners to leverage pro-housing policies like California’s SB9 to develop new models of homeownership and increase the number of units built on lots previously zoned for single-detached homes. We also provided funds to the nonprofit developer Come Dream Come Build to pilot a volumetric modular construction model to lower costs and increase access to homeownership in Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 并计划在其他州推广.

Beyond grant funding, 我们在有前景的市场解决方案中提供以影响力为重点的股权投资, 比如由混合收入住房基金管理的 MSquared, a woman-owned real estate development and fund management company dedicated to creating mixed-income, 在快速发展和越来越难以负担的大都市地区的混合用途项目, 填补一个关键的市场缺口. 

应对住房生产不足的挑战似乎令人望而生畏. Policies and practices implemented over decades have played a part in structural undersupply that will take many years to resolve, even with maximal effort. 这些政策也助长了居住隔离, 将住房供应与相互交织的教育挑战联系起来, economic, and environmental equity.

我们相信,政策制定者能够应对这一艰巨的挑战, community leaders, 私营部门联合起来推动变革. 跨部门协同工作, we can address the structural barriers that keep many residents from being able to put down roots, call a neighborhood home, and plan for the future.
